Friday, June 15, 2007

Please Be Patient With Me

Anyone who knows me knows I love moving furniture around - at least once every six months. I also move rooms around, which really frustrates my children. So you can see that changing up my blog template is a necessity to my psyche. So please be patient as I learn the ins and outs of blogger, how to add elements, photos, etc.


Dave Moody said...

There's no picture, fyi...

but I am nothing, if not patient...

Anonymous said...

You're a daughter-in-law too. Just as you'll someday be a mother-in-law. I love learning from you!

Anonymous said...

As Mudsie would say, "You didn't lick it off the ground!"

Marti said...

I like to see things changed around too - thanks for keeping up with this blog, Barb - enjoying it!

Marti said...

Oh, I think you inadvertantly changed your blog name; it now thinks it's titled 'If you read history you will find that the Christians who did the most for'

Barb said...

Thanks for the encouragement and heads up on the title change. Blogger isn't the most intuitive.
And Val, what the heck does that mudsism mean?

Anonymous said...

The Mudsieism is in the same vein as, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

I'm surprised you don't remember that one.

paulmerrill said...

Great to catch up on your blog, Barb. As always, you have some really good stuff.

Heather has been reaching the same conculsions about magazines.

I'm hoping to find a Trader Joe's when we get back to Denver. (I'm guessing we'll be disappointed.)