8 years ago when we returned from Canada, back to Colorado, I had the need for intellectual stimulation from my peers. So I formed a bookclub. We met about every 6 weeks to dine and then discuss a book. We read Jane Austen, C.S. Lewis, Isak Dinesen Barbara Kingsolver, Flannery O'Connor and Tolstoy to name a few. I had a fantastic time. Each meeting would be held at a different house. The host would choose the meal and others would provide the sides to her menu. After an expectant feast we would sit down and discuss. Sometimes our talks were mild and agreeable and other times...well we were agreeable to disagree!
I miss my club!
So I am starting something new. It probably isn't new to a lot of you. Book Clubs on blogs isn't really that new but it is for my blog. Every 25th of the month I will be blogging about a book that I've read. What I'd really like is for others to discuss the book with me, in the comments section. And what I'd REALLY like is for someone to host the discussion on their blog the following month, and they would pick the book (just like the club back in Littleton, only on the internet). But that can only happen if I have people join me in this adventure? So will you join me please. I've even designed a little button to add (see right). I will continue to host every 25th of the month, unless you would like to host.
The technical computer stuff - if someone knows the right way to go about this, please interject, I want to learn. There won't be dining unfortunately, but you could probably sip some wine at your computer as you post your comments. I know I will!
ooooo, maybe i'll read it again. let me think about it, i'll get back to you
Haven't read the book.
But super kudos on pulling the plug on cable. TV - I'm with Courtney - we have it easy in the land of decent regular TV (if TV can ever be called decent).
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