We think he ate one of Aidan's precious star war lego men. When Aidan asked "Where is it Liam?" Liam always points to his mouth. Nothing's come through the diaper. Speaking of diapers...
I'm working through the potty-training ordeal. I'm not the highly disciplined mom-type to see potty training done in one day. I can let it go for a week. We, okay just me, started the training last week. I bought special Spiderman underwear (He's CRAZY for Spiderman right now). I let him sit in his pee to feel uncomfortable (I won't do the same for #2!). Does he feel uncomfortable...uh, that would be no!
So last night, Aidan goes in to brush his teeth except there are no toothbrush heads in the holder and the holder is on the floor - next to the toilet. That's right...the only conclusion we could draw after a fierce 5-minute interrogation...Liam flushed the toothbrush heads down the toilet! And yes, the toilet was clogged.

What a precious picture! I am the same way with my kids. No matter how much they try my patience, looking at them as they sleep always melts my heart.
I guess he and his cousin will have a lot in common because she's in no hurry to potty train either. She's peed in the potty a couple times, but that's about it. We were worried about Ellie wandering around the house at night and put one of the door-knob covers on the inside of her room. We've since removed it, but if Liam's going out for evening strolls you could give it a try!
You make a blog on all the "cute" things that Liam did to cause trouble, or annoy people.
You're on your way to becoming one of those Bounty moms.
P.S. from Valerie
So this is what happens when you take away MSG & TV?
Wonder whose side of the family this comes from????ummm
And you have an Aidan too! Love those Celtic names!
Just remember ...he has his own logic, his own reasons in his mind for what he is doing. It makes perfect sense -- to him. I've learned with my 2yo (child #3 -- I'm a slow learner!) that it works best to save a spanking or other punishment for direct disobedience or truly disruptive "attention getting"/"disturbing the peace" type stuff (like smashing someone else's lego masterpiece). There's definately a difference between being truly naughty or defiant, and just being a kid and working at discovering the world (a messy process. Just store it all up to cherish in your heart -- and teach him how to mop!
Found my way here from Back to Homeschool Week -- enjoying your blog!
Man, it seems that your Liam has a real taste for adventure! Our 3-year old, Aidan has the same kind of temperment, so I really can be sympathetic...
Our Aidan crawls with the dogs too and delights in finding out EXACTLY what actions will most creep us out and exasperate us all at the same time. And, yes, we have a dog door too...
I'll send you a pic sometime of dear, sweet Aidan feasting with our hounds to show you that you're not alone. We dare not get these two together!
(And yes, our little ones are angels while asleep as well.)
Everything sounds pretty darn normal but I am worried about his little night time adventures outside! Yikes, I would put safety knobs on the doors or locks that are too high for him to reach (even with a chair) or I have a friend who just stacks baby gates. All the other stuff is exasperating but very normal!
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