Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Call to Prayer

Dear Friends,
Greeting. it is with great sadness that I am sharing this news with you. On the evening of June 21, a group of Christens was worshiping in a house in Peshawar, NWFP, when terrorist came on two trucks and kidnapped 32 worshipers on gunpoint. Police has confirmed the news. Christian have been taken to the Tribal area. Christians from Charsada, Mardan and Peshawar had been receiving threatening letters from the extremists to convert to Islam, leave or be killed. it is a very dangerous situation. Please pray for their safe return.
Rev. Dr. Maqsood Kamil
Executive secretary
Presbyterian Church of Pakistan

First off -- PRAY. Pray for peace. Pray for safety. Pray that His name would be glorified. Pray for the believers, our brothers and sisters to stay strong in their faith. Pray they would rest in His sovereignty, in His control, in His mercy and love. Pray for their captors. Pray their hearts and minds would open to see and receive His grace and mercy and forgiveness. Pray their blinders would be removed. Pray for boldness. Pray for truth and righteousness and His name to be magnified.

Second -- be thankful. Be thankful you live in a place where freedom of faith is a given. You live in a place where worshipping where you want, how you want is a freedom. Guaranteed.

Third - worship. Worship Him with abandon and freedom. Realize that your gathering together with fellow believers is a gift and a responsibility. When you have the blessing of gathering as a body, His body, it is for His glory and not for your own. Do not look at the clock, check your day-timer, scheduling worship, prayer and fellowship in. Worship with conviction and devotion.

Fourth - pray.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting this reminder. We Americans complain all the time about every little thing, and we need to take more time to pray and be thankful.