Monday, June 23, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

Stop by here to find other Daybooks...

Outside my window...
It looks like another gorgeous day in southern IL. We've had unseasonably mild weather and I love it. But a few miles a way the levees are being reinforced, bags are loaded with sand and folks are moving their treasures to higher ground.

I am thinking...
I have a busy week ahead -- it's VBS week. I'm co-leading this year. So today I'm thinking through what I need to do to kick-off our Friendship Trek with Jesus this evening (from 6-8:30pm)

I am thankful for...
My VBS co-leader, Kara, who is incredibly gifted with keeping good records, getting ahead of the game and not needing me to suggest to her what to do.

From the Kitchen...
the coffee pot is burping as it percolates down the delicious nectar of French Roast

I am creating...
nothing at the moment other than the continual rhapsody of mothering, wifing and being.

I am going...
to Walmart later this morning to pick up last minute items for VBS. Yesterday Dave and I went to buy 22 t-shirts and then for 4 (FOUR) hours I ironed VBS decals. The t-shirts are for all the volunteers.

I am wearing...
Black Starter gym shorts, a gray t-shirt and my ugly, ripping, holey lavendar slippers

I am reading....
Still in Ezekiel - what a book - and the Green Mile. 

I am hoping...
we have a good turn-out for VBS. The first day is usually low and that can be discouraging. And I'm also hoping we come up with a good idea for our mission fund-raiser challenge. Last VBS Dave colored his beard blonde and pierced his ear if the kids raised over $500. They did, so he did.

I am hearing...
a morning dove coo outside.

Around the house...
Ian and AJ are asleep on the floor of the living room. It's normal to find extra boys in the house during the summer. Some spend the night. Some show up in the middle of the night. 

One of my favorite things....
Have my kids friends come over. I don't know why but I enjoy talking with them, listening to them, watching them.

A few plans for the rest of the week...
Survive VBS with family in tact AND prepare to visit Paul and Kristal in Texas next week!

Here's a picture-thought I am sharing with you....


Sweet Woodruff said...

I love my kids friends too because they are sweet and I enjoy nurturing them. We always have a house full of kids, which is a good thing because I know where my own kids are, who they are with and what they are doing.

Schotzy said...

What a sweet picture to sahre! AW!!! yes, VBS is quite an event for the teacher. I am taking a respite this year since we are attending a new church. I am always very thankful and prayerful for VBS teachers though. My dd was saved at Bible School- I pray your's goes wonderfully!

Anonymous said...


God bless you!

Hope VBS goes well;-D

Anonymous said...

What are you running, a flop house?

From a highly disappointed & uptight neat-freak

Barb said...

Hey anonymous - come out from under your tired moniker and fess up!