Years ago, when Ian was just a babe, our family was on a retreat with the mission organization with which we worked. I believe Ian was just 4 months old. During sessions I would sit in the back so when necessary I could nurse him in relative privacy, and his gurgling and cooing wouldn't disturb the rest of the staff. Sheila, one of our co-workers, mentioned to me that she enjoyed watching me watch Ian. She said that as I cradled him in my arms and gazed at his wee fingers and toes she was reminded of God's gaze on her - how much He enjoys and delights in her. It was the Holy Spirit blessing her with a physical manifestation of a spiritual reality. God delights in his people. (Psalm 149:4)
I have a hard time reconciling this truth in my life. Yet I still gaze on my children (especially when they're asleep - somehow it's easier to see that cherishable side then) with wonder and amazement. I still smile brightly in my heart when I look upon them. God is more so in love, enamored, delighted than I could ever be over my children, and over me. This is an important spiritual truth.
In the Word Among Us today I was reminded that:
He offers [me] a relationship of friendship and reveals himself and his word to [me]...He can even bring victory over fear and discouragement as [I] root [myself] in his love and presence.
When I
pursue his victory of sin
When I
ask him to heal my wounds and strengthen my weaknesses
When I
let him deliver me from bondage to sin
When I
declare my faith in God's mighty power and authority to set me free
When I
trust in his time and his wisdom
When I
take hold of these things and receive the glory that is mine in Christ.
I am at peace, at rest, centered on what is truth and real.
Too often I focus on my weaknesses and failings. I know these do not define me, but too often I let them. My daily sanctification is to take hold of my heritage as a child of God. That's true self-esteem. That's true self-realization. I'm a work in progress.
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