Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Our Summer Reading Challenge

To avoid the inevitable Summer "There's Nothing To Do" syndrome our family has instituted a reading challenge. Last week we placed our names in a hat (Liam excluded) and drew the names out. The drawer had the privilege of choosing a book for the drawee to read. Here are the results:

Aidan will be reading The Host (by Stephanie Meyer) chosen by Emma
Ian will be reading Three Cups of Tea (by Greg Mortensen) chosen by me
Dave will be reading Halo (by Eric Nylund) chosen by Aidan
Emma will be reading House of Leaves (by Mark Danielewski) chosen by Ian
I will be reading Blue Like Jazz (by Donald Miller) chosen by Dave

I hope we will do these 2 more times (at least) this Summer. What are your ideas to group as a family and pass the time this Summer?


Suzanne said...

Whose has a kindle?

Barb said...

Just Dave. The rest of us read the old fashioned way. Thank goodness the library is across the street.